BenefitsOrganic tomatoes are free from harmful chemicals and toxins, plus they are also rich in antioxidants that helps fight diseases like cancer. It also a healthy source of Vitamin C and A (being rich in beta-carotene) along with niacin and folate.
BenefitsGreen capsicums have powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.Rich in Vitamin A, B complex, C and phytonutrients. Relieves pain of bone disorders and has the capacity to relax the repirartory passage.
BenefitsLadies finger aids in digestion as it contains prebiotic fiber and controls obesity and cholesterol.It has loaded with Vitamin A, B, C, and traces of Zinc & CalciumIt acts as hair conditioner, fights dandruff and moistures the scalp.
BenefitsCarrots provide the highest content of vitamin A of all the vegetables.Brightly orange colored carrots have pigments like carotenoids and flavonoids, that provide several antioxidants and act as a defense against cancer.They aid in maintaining oral health and also decrease the risk of stroke and other heart diseases.
BenefitsConsumption of potatoes helps to maintain the blood glucose level and keeps the brain alert and active.Potatoes should be included in the diet of those having mouth ulcers. As they are easy to digest, they are good for patients.People who are diagnosed with kidney stones or heart disorders can include potatoes in their diet as they are light on the stomach.Apart from containing useful minerals such as potassium, iron, copper and magnesium, potatoes are also full of phytochemical antioxidants such as flavonoids, Vitamin B and folate.
BenefitsHaricot beans are great for metabolism and regulation of the sugar level of blood.They support the adrenal regulation function and provide an excellent source of protein and fibre.A good source of many nutrients and proves to be a healthy diet.
BenefitsBottle gourds keep the body hydrated and assist in weight loss.They treat urinary tract infection and sleeping disorders while reducing liver inflammation, easing digestion and safeguarding hair against premature greying.
BenefitsCabbage improves brain health and vision. Best for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way.It detoxifies the body and contains glutamine that reduces effects of inflammation, allergies, joint pain, irritation, fever.Cabbages also help prevent cancer.